A Palatable Pregnancy: A Healthy Menu For Moms-To-Be
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We’ve all heard the stories about pregnant women and craving, and some ladies may have gone or may still be going through it. Yet, typically, if you’re anything like lots of the women I know (and love), these craving are not the “good-for-you kind.
However, we all know that pregnancy give women to indulge, at least in moderation, more than they normally do. And, it even allows us gals to splurge since we’re eating for two. But, for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, experts suggest making mostly healthy (eating) choices.
And, when it comes to healthy eating options, some of the items on the “menu” may just surprise you.
1. Lemons: According to experts, having a lemon handy at all times can help alleviate nausea and curb morning sickness, simply by sniffing it. They add that the brain center associated with sense of smell is also directly related to feelings of queasiness and nausea. And, just like certain smells can instigate a queasy feeling, others can help alleviate it. Finally they add, that if you don’t address nausea within the first trimester, you are upping your odds to preterm labor and blood pressure problems in the last trimester.
2. Iodized salt: Make at least a half-teaspoon per day part of your daily diet. According to experts, ladies who limit their salt intake (to less than a teaspoon a day) or who use “designer salts” and sea salt without iodine may be adversely affecting their child’s IQ. They add, that iodine in “ample” amounts is necessary to produce ample amounts of thyroid hormones, noting that an estimated 10 to 15 percent of women may actually have below-average thyroid levels during pregnancy, and that can mean a significant impact on the unborn baby’s IQ.
3. Dark Chocolate: According to experts dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants and enjoying it in moderation can be very healthy, especially for pregnant women. They add that eating foods rich in antioxidant properties can help reverse or enhance the ability of the blood flow through the placenta and reduce preeclampsia.
4. Coffee: Experts suggest that previous theories labeling coffee as “bad” for pregnant women have been proven false. In fact, they note that coffee can be beneficial for expectant moms. While moderation is KEY, it can help lower the occurrence of gestational diabetes.
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A Palatable Pregnancy: A Healthy Menu For Moms-To-Be