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The Sleep War: Curbing the Struggle with a Bedtime Routine Have difficulty getting your little one to sleep every night? Just like adults, when children don’t have a set internal schedule, havoc can ensure due to uncertainty. Children want to be able to stay awake as long as they can to spend time with those they love. When their bodies don’t have a ... Read On 
Making Dental Smiles: Overcoming Children’s Fear of the Dentist Not surprisingly, one of the many difficult times for a child is when it is time to visit the dentist. Many can relate as adults; there is a certain amount of anxiety, no matter what the age, with the unknown elements of going to the dentist. For children, everything is new. They don’t know what to ... Read On 
Blazing the Trail: Making Reading Fun while Teaching It's ImportanceWhen you have little ones it's important to help guide them to the important aspects of life. You teach them to take care of their bodies, to love their family and neighbors, and the importance of a solid education to carry them through life. You may think that the college discussion is way beyond ... Read On 
Tips for Helping Children Deal with Traumatic EventsAfter the recent violence in the past months, with the shooting in a Connecticut elementary school being the last straw, it is becoming a weary and anxious feat just to step outside in the morning. It becomes disparaging to turn on the news; afraid the more tragedies have taken place. It causes you ... Read On 
The Afterschool Battle: Tips for Taking the Fight Out of HomeworkWith the school year well under way, the age old homework battle is probably in full force as well. We understand; when we were that age, teachers never dreamt of giving a 7 year old an hour of homework. The world has changed a lot, though, and teachers are just adapting new methods of helping our ... Read On 
The True Joy of the Season: Baby’s First Holiday SeasonThe holidays are just around the corner, but you've already received the best gift imaginable; its baby’s first holiday season and you want to celebrate! This is the year that you’ll want to remember for the rest of your life because it is the very first, a new beginning, and a new family. Try to ... Read On 
Give Unto Others: Teaching Children the Importance Of Giving BackWhen you have children, they don’t come with any instruction manuals or how-to guides. Although you’re never on your own, ultimately it is up to you to help guide your children through a crazy world, and to help them create a moral compass that will not only guide their actions, but will also guide ... Read On 
Parents Fighting Cyber Bullying: Helping Your Child OvercomeIn a harsh, new world full of technology and modern media, our kids are facing all new challenges unlike parents have ever seen before. In the past, even on a bad day, a child could leave the school yard behind and feel safe and protected within their own homes. But with modern technology and ... Read On 
The Perfect Pick: Tips for Apple and Pumpkin PickingLooking to go on a little adventure right here on the Island? Now is the time to take advantage of local produce by getting your family and yourself right on out into the fields. The middle to the end of September is the perfect time for apple picking, and the end of September through October is ... Read On 
Up and At'em: Getting Ready for School Day MorningsWith summer vacation over, parents and children alike are filled with a mixed sense of anticipation and dread. Children, obviously, because their vacation has come to an end, and no matter how much fun school can be, they'd rather be off. Parents, on the other hand, although they are looking ... Read On 
After School Snacking: Healthy & Easy Afternoon Snack OptionsWith the new school year just around the corner (or maybe already here) it's time to start thinking about even the smallest of school-year details: the always important, and necessary, after school snack. As children adjust to their new, regimented school schedules it's important to remember that ... Read On 
Little Readers: Encouraging Your Children to ReadSo the kiddies are back to school (or will be soon), and they are excited as can be! They have all new clothes, a new teacher, and are making new friends to share their year with! What they aren't necessarily excited about is the homework and reading that is associated with going back to school. ... Read On 