Month To Month: A Look At The Year Ahead And What You Can Expect From Your Baby
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Congratulations! You have a beautiful and healthy new baby! Now what? Well, for starters, this wonderful new addition is looking to you and your spouse for love, understanding, support and guidance…and all while expecting you (both) to help him/her grow gracefully into adulthood…but no pressure here!
Besides probably being “frightened” at this tiny treasure’s fragility (perhaps to the point that you are afraid of picking him/her up…hey, I can remember when my dad took one look at me and exclaimed: “She’s NOT going to stay that small and shriveled forever is she?”) you also probably have no idea what to expect from your bundle of joy. Just remember, the one thing you can expect is your love for them to grow exponentially as they do…and each stage will offer a special time in all your lives to cherish.
Birth To A Few Months: Babies at this stage of development are at the “prime” of their exploratory phase. They are trying to figure out how things work in their new surrounding, and most functions consist of uncoordinated movements and involuntary impulses.
Two to Six Months: Your baby literally becomes poetry in motion with an emphasis on motion. He/she develops the ability to sit up and may begin to crawl. Your child may also begin to feed on his/her own. At this age, children also love lots of attention and stimulation, including games and playing. Most babies at this stage can be expected to sit up, roll over and hold items on their own.
Pushing The Nine-Month Mark: By this stage in the game your child has gone mobile. He/she has places to go and things to do and see; and according to authorities can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. You can expect junior/juniorette to engage effectively in simple children’s games like peek-a-boo, wave bye-bye, and blow kisses to you when you head off to work.
ONE Singular Sensation: Now he/she is really movin’ and groovin’ and often talkin’ too. Your baby is now headed for toddlerdom and can amply get around without your help by simply holding on to things….and may even be able to independently take a few steps on his/her own. He/she is also utterly sensation as he/she has learned to utter a few key words and/or phrases. Your child can also let you know what he/she wants via “perfected” sounds and gestures.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Month To Month: A Look At The Year Ahead And What You Can Expect From Your Baby