Happy Birthday To You: A Modern Twist To Tradition
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
When I was a kid having mom host your birthday at McDonald's or Jahn's in Brooklyn was a BIG Deal. In fact most kids had their yearly celebration at home or in the backyard with either a Carvel Ice Cream Cake or a Betty Crocker Special that mom whipped up usually on the same day.
Well, those days are long gone and now kids want what the adults have and parents are often pampering them with "platinum parties".
Here are just some of the hot and haute kids’ parties that are on the menu:
A Pampered Princess Party: Little girls get a special "me" day (just like mom) on her birthday. The gaggle of girls can either gather at your home or can be taken to a specialty salon for a day of hair care, nail care and even facials.
A Great Adventure Party: While we're not necessarily referring to the theme park...IT can be one of the places for this type of celebration. Other options include paint ball; fishing excursions; rock climbing; caving; bowling; roller skating; ice skating, billiards or go-carting to name a few.
Crafty celebrations: Crafts parties are becoming all the rage with stores such as Michael's and others offering pottery parties among other options. Other great ideas include a trip to the museum, science center, etc.
A Healthy Celebration: Parents can host a fitness fiesta for their little one by either booking a yoga party or a personal training party where kids learn about staying fit and eating healthy....and its one of those parties where parents CAN get involved and participate...and, get something out of it.
Once Upon A Time Parties: Expand your child's imagination by hosting a fairytale party complete with your child's favourite character and costumes (for dress-up) and some entertainment such as a professional magician.
Groovy Get Your Grove On Party: You can hire a DJ for a dynamic dance party for your child and his or her friends. Your little one can help pick the theme and the playlist and can even brush up on some of the latest dance steps with his or her friends. Plus, it's a great way to get kids to burn off some energy...especially after the cake and ice cream.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Happy Birthday To You: A Modern Twist To Tradition