For Morning Sickness And Beyond: Acetaminophen: The Cure-All For Expectant Moms
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
“Not tonight honey, I have a headache” may result in many a spouse suggesting that you take an aspirin. But, once you’ve conceived what you can take for your aches and pains may be limited.
But, that doesn’t mean you have to live with the pain and suffering. According to new studies, acetaminophen, the active ingredient found in Tylenol, has been deemed safe for pregnant women.
In fact, experts note that health professionals often recommend acetaminophen for just about every “condition” experienced throughout pregnancy. And, they add that is has a tried and true history of safety.
Professionals do however assert that perpetually and severe problematic symptoms such as pain or discomfort should be reported to your health care provider and should be further looked into. Still, they suggest that common conditions such as headaches can be affectively alleviated with stress reduction, hot or cold compresses, a massage or even a cup of coffee.
If however pain persists and acetaminophen is necessary, they remind expectant mothers that the “drug” should only be used for short-term treatment and to limit the dosage to one or two pills every eight hours, staying well under the generally prescribed adult amount.
Experts note that a safe adult maximum quantity for acetaminophen is about four grams during a 24 to 48 hour interval. And they add that most capsules/tablets contain about 325 mg, making the maximum safety cutoff about 12 tablets. However experts suggest that the maximum dosage could be reached simply by taking two tablets every four hours. And they warn, that since it’s likely that other products also contain acetaminophen, exceeding the “limit” could be quite easy.
Most importantly however experts remind expectant moms that acetaminophen toxicity can occur and even over-the-counter medications can be dangerous when abused. They key is knowing the limits and adhering to them, and not exposing mother or child to any un-necessary risks.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
For Morning Sickness And Beyond: Acetaminophen: The Cure-All For Expectant Moms