Spur Of The Moment: Adding Spontaneity To Your Life
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
If you’re anything like me, doing things on impulse is something you admire in others, maybe even “secretly” wish you could enjoy more of in your own life, but a “strict”, “regimented” schedule just doesn’t allow for it. In fact, if you’re like me, you find it hard to leave the house if the bed isn’t made, dishes aren’t washed, and preferably put away, laundry is folded, and so on an so forth. And, you know “exactly” when your day will begin and how it will generally go.
While this typically ensures a “no-nonsense” way of ensuring getting things done, it often also inhibits people like us from “enjoying” the moment or “taking chances” (after all it’s all about sticking to schedule, if not beating the clock”).
And, due to reasons of “fear”, not wanting our families, friends, employers, etc to be upset with us, to our own “agendas” or because our society rewards “predictability”, making it easy to “plan” out our lives rather the truly “living” them and “enjoying” them.
Still, experts suggest that there needs to be a balance between both and that acting out “impromptu” can help us savor the moment and bring us great joy.
They recommend taking baby steps then progressively working toward more adventurous ventures that are spontaneous.
But, if (again) you’re anything like me and spur of the moment fun isn’t in your vocabulary or day-planner, here are a few suggestions for adding spontaneity to your life and relationship(s).
1. Rent or go to a movie that’s not typically “you”. Who knows, you just may enjoy it, plus you’ll broaden your horizons.
2. Change up your appointment times. Schedule some meetings in the morning, and on other days in the afternoon to give your day or week variety.
3. Take some time out to keep in touch (with an old friend), the old-fashioned way. Find a quiet place and pen a nice, carefully-thought-out letter to someone special, even if it’s only a sweet love-note to your mate.
4. Add some spice to your home life or routine by taking the kids and you off your schedule. Instead of sticking to plans, take a detour and enjoy some impromptu quality time with your kids.
5. Get out more, at least during lunch. Consider taking a walk during lunch or visiting the local new bistro or café.
6. Change up how you do your chores or how much you “burden” yourself with, so that you purposely “make” more time for you.
7. Look at your area with a fresh perspective, as if it was the first time you were paying a visit and appreciate what you’ve got going on around you.
8. Read something someone else recommended
9. Change up the route you take to work (if possible)
10. Take note (in a journal) and track all the interesting things that your daydream about or that pop into your head. You may even want to try a few.
Long Island Development Articles
Spur Of The Moment: Adding Spontaneity To Your Life