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Lower Your Expectations: Why Less Is More When It Comes To ResolutionsI know it’s a few months away…but, the proverbial New Year’s resolution list is bound to rear its “ugly head” sooner or later.
And, while many resolutions are based on good intentions, experts caution against them.
They note that often times resolutions are accompanied by GREAT expectations ... Read On 
Reading Between The One-Liners: How To Spot A False FriendI recently was informed that many members of the social networking “craze’ have literally hundreds of friends. Honestly, even back in High School, when my ultimate goal, despite my “geekdom” was to be part of, or at least accepted by, the “in” crowd, I never aspired to that many friends. In fact, I ... Read On 
Goal Oriented: Getting Things Done Just Got “Easier”Sure there’s a big difference between dirt and clutter, but besides some subtle semantics each (and yes, the former) is worse contribute to detracting from the appearance and perception of your home. Still, with a prevalence of two-income households keeping things neat and tidy may not be at the ... Read On 
Moms On The Run: Fitting In Beauty And Fitness
We all want to be “hot mamas”, even those of us who are not moms. But moms often feel they lack the time and energy to care for themselves. Still, according to experts and other moms alike, putting yourself first is actually also putting your family first by ensuring that you’re doing the best ... Read On 
New And Improved: Out With The Old, In With The New Can Be Good For YouIf you’re like me, you eagerly grab your first couple ounces of personality and enthusiasm first thing in the morning, again in the afternoon, and if you’ve go a “late” night, perhaps a smaller cup in the early evening. In fact, I honestly believe, though I’ve cut back significantly, I have and ... Read On 
Cool Undertones: How To Stay Calm, Cool And Collected When Life Tries Your PatienceWe may in fact, at least according to experts, be “the” most stressed generation they can remember. And, much of it, they say we bring on ourselves. And, while there is much we can do little to control, there are areas that we can control and that includes our responses to our stresses, including ... Read On 
Wish List: The Art Of Getting What You WantThere are lots of things we want in life, but we don’t always get them. And, it’s likely, that like most, we put the blame on someone else. Still, according to experts, the reason or reasons we often don’t get what we want is, at least partially up to us.
Here are just some situations where ... Read On 
Recipe For R& R: Making Time For YOU A PriorityThe beginning of a new year is usually embraced with lots of verve, enthusiasm and excitement. But, these feeling wane once your back to work and back into the usual routine and swing of things, including the same stresses (and often more) that you had the day and year before.
Experts suggest ... Read On 
NRG: Beating The Afternoon BluesMy dh and I have a friend who ever since we’ve both known her, and he’s known her longer than I have, has been complaining about her energy levels. I don’t know whether it’s because she lives up North (lots of people in that part of the region, perhaps due to a lack of warmth and sun, seem to ... Read On 
Having “The Talk”: Taboo Topics Between Friends And How To Handle ThemSex was something most of us giggled about but could hardly wait to try And, probably, if I recall correctly only to wonder what all the hubbub was all about after the first (few times). I guess it was like beer, and acquired taste and like sushi and saki, takes some time to get use to and actually ... Read On 
Beating The Odds: How To Rise Above The Tough Times:The saying goes “ When the going gets tough, the tough get going”, but where exactly are they going to? Are they going shopping, to the bar, in separate directions? No one really knows, well, not exactly. But, now experts give us some direction as to where we should be headed depending on where ... Read On 
Hats Off The High Maintenance: The Many Perks Of PreeningHigh maintenance gal’s (and some guys) get a bad rap. In fact, rather than being applauded for their appealing appearance, they get criticized for their vehement vanity. But, it seems that the tables are slowly turning. And, though many are still shouting at so-called Prima donnas and Prima Dons, ... Read On 
Long Island Bridal Shows