Earth Child: Baby Showers Go “Green”
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Pink is for girls and blue is for boys and now “green” is for baby showers. That’s right, more and more expectant moms/couples are opting for environmentally and ecologically friendly festivities.
· Put lots of organic goodies on your “goodie list” and have your hostess include a list of stores that offer these earth-friendly options.
· Opt for a touch of glass. Consider serving drinks in recycles glass dispencers and real glass or crystal beverage glasses.
· Reuse old news, asking friends, family and guests to wrap gifts in recycled materials including brown bags, newspaper, magazine pages etc.
· Make a “favourable” bouquet: “Plant” flowering plants in glass jars and use as centerpieces and to spruce up kitchen counters and buffet tables. Then suggest guests take them home.
· Opt for eco-friendly fare. Think organic, locally grown and seasonal foods that are good for you as well as the environment.
o Keep in mind that it may not be financially or otherwise feasible to have an all organic shower, but “do” do what you can.
o Consider homemade options such as cakes, cookies, sauces and soups using all natural ingredients and made from scratch.
o Look for or ask about dye-free homemade icing and icing varieties for your cake.
o Opt for “nondisposable” fruits. Rather than choosing a fruit salad which isn’t likely to keep too well, serve up some whole seasonal frueits such as mini apples, mini pears, grapes, etc.
o Serve up fish that’s safe for pregnant women. Among these: halibut, trout, and wild salmon.
o Replace regular milk with almond, soy or rice milk for some healthy and sensational smoothies.
o Use rocks, stones or other natural elements as a “label” for your buffet table and each of the featured foods.
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Earth Child: Baby Showers Go “Green”