NRG: Beating The Afternoon Blues
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You must be a logged in user to report a bad post! By mia bolaris-forget
My dh and I have a friend who ever since we’ve both known her, and he’s known her longer than I have, has been complaining about her energy levels. I don’t know whether it’s because she lives up North (lots of people in that part of the region, perhaps due to a lack of warmth and sun, seem to complain of the same symptoms), or if it’s just due to lack of a healthy diet and lifestyle? Either way, there’s reason for concern. Still, many of “us”, can relate. After all who doesn’t “really” need that afternoon or early evening java jolt to refuel their sputtering engine. In fact, believe it or not, it’s most common among those of us who make a living by sitting at a desk and have replaced physical labor with metal labor and an often, sedentary lifestyle.
And, while there are plenty of pills out there that can boost our mood, there “is” no magic pill to enhance our energy level. But there are, according to lifestyle experts natural ways to rev your engine.
1. Cut out the coffee: This coming from someone who use to drink at least five 24 ounce cups a day, and is now down to a morning 12-ouncer and a mid afternoon 8-ounce pick-me-up. Still, nutritionists suggest cutting out the afternoon “delight” altogether. Like candy, the note that caffeine will pump you up, but only for a while and only to leave you in a greater slump. For a real energy lift, replace coffee with green tea. Not only will it help perk you up, but it’s good for you. Full of antioxidants it helps ward off certain free radicals and can even bolster metabolism and weight loss.
2. Munch more: Of course we don’t mean chips or candy, but eating more than three huge meals daily is essential for keeping up your energy flow. In fact, eating something small every 2 to 3 hours will help regulate your blood sugar levels and keep energy up. Fruits, veggies and a lean source of protein are ideal for keeping you awake and alert and for keeping your blood sugar stable.
3. Doze off: No, not at your desk, but at home, when you can. In addition to 10 to 20 minutes of , what we at our home call “downtime”, to recharge, getting enough sleep at night is imperative for staying alert and awake during the day. Experts suggest between 7 to 8 hours in a dark room since light can inhibit the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for making sure you sleep well during the night. Having trouble sleeping? Try some lavender oil on your pillow or taking Magnesium or the herb Relora (just consult with your doctor first), both known for helping you relax and distressing so you can get some quality sleep.
4. Make a move: The more you sit, the more tired you become. That’s because everything slows down including your metabolism and your energy (circulation). So, sweat out your slump. Go for a walk at lunch or hit the gym, if you’ve got enough time. In fact, you should work out at least, at very least 30 minutes each day, and that can include walking the baby, the dog and/or opting out of the elevator or escalator and taking the stairs.
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NRG: Beating The Afternoon Blues