The Spirit Of Giving: Becoming A Good Gift Giver
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Most of us love getting gifts, and many of us enjoy giving them as well. And, with it being holiday season there’s likely to be lots of that going on.
Still, experts assert that most of our gifts, regardless of how nicely they’re packaged will wind up at the bottom of or at the very back of the recipient’s closet and some may even get re-gifted. And, they add, this “phenomenon” is more common among those we know and love than with those we don’t.
According to researchers, there’s actually a reason behind bad gift giving. They suggest that those we love the most are often subject to the “worst” presents simply because we feel overconfident when buying.
Also, many shoppers make the mistake of presuming that since they get along so well with certain friends or family member, or perhaps simply by sheer relation, others have the same taste we do.
In fact, the study suggests that “familiarity” can actually be “dangerous” when picking something out for someone else. In fact, according to the research couples who’d been together longer than six months had less success in picking out furniture based on their partners taste, even despite hints, but instead chose based on preconceived notions.
They further noted and added that preconceived notions showed a close correlation to adherence to pre-stored information. And that most were more capable of accurately choosing for strangers than for loved ones.
Professionals point out that people predicting what an “unfamiliar” party would like often rely on general and stereotypical information about that individual which can be quite diagnostic. However, when assessing “familiar” individuals they may overlook such key and valid information.
Instead, when it comes to those closest to us, most of us rely on more specific target information that is generally invalid or irrelevant when making predictions about a attitudes and purchases.
So, this holiday season, start a new trend of giving what your recipient would enjoy and want, not necessarily what you want for them.
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The Spirit Of Giving: Becoming A Good Gift Giver