Boosting Your View Of You
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
My entire life, though extremely grateful for who I am and what I’ve been given, couldn’t help but, on occasion want to be taller with lean lanky legs and a smaller rear view. Yet, my friends who are built this way remind me that they long for the opposite, noting that they’ve always (because of height) had difficulty finding a guy, and that it’s a “shapely” body that men want that put femmes from Marilyn to Jlo and Beyonce in the limelight. Still, like most of us, I look in the mirror or at a picture and immediately focus on those body parts that seem “out of proportion”, while others, with the same “attributes” seem (to me) to always look “sexy” and take a great picture.
Well, according to experts, beauty “is” truly in the eyes of the beholder and often times it reveals itself the way we perceive and see ourselves. They add that while we don’t all have to feel great about all our “assets”, we should at very least feel good about them and learn to love ourselves in spite of them. And, they suggest that exuding sex appeal has less to do with body parts and more to do with confidence and body image. In fact, experts are now offering women new ways to feel better about who they are and how they look.
· Don’t be so hard on yourself: In fact, they suggest literally “softening” up your image of yourself. Experts recommend squinting a bit or looking through your eyelashes when looking at a mirror image or a photo to get a better glimpse of how others really see you. Then, they suggest that instead of focusing on your “imperfections” shifting your sights on things or parts you like about you, some that have more to do with personality and less to do with appearance.
· The power of positive: Besides developing a better attitude about the parts of you that you don’t “love” experts suggest paying more attention to the parts about you that you do “love”, be it your smile, you nails, or your intelligence. They even suggest treating that trait with extra special attention and bringing “it” to the forefront and focus.
· Take note: Literally, say experts. Keep track not only of when you feel your best, but when others actually take notice and say something. They suggest writing down the compliment received and storing it in an envelope or box to reflect on when your not feeling so “hot”.
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Boosting Your View Of You