Name Tag: Choosing A (Surname) For Your Baby
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
If you think picking out a first same for your baby is challenging, you may be overlooking yet another option when it comes to naming your baby…..who’s last name will your child have.
Remember, more and more couples are choosing to retain their own last names, some are hyphenating and still others are merging. So, what about junior/juniorette? Does he/she get daddy’s name, mommy’s name or both?
Here’s a closer look at options available and the pros and cons of each.
· You’ve taken on your husband’s last name (or perhaps in some rare cases vice versa), and that’s the surname you plan of giving your baby.
On the plus side, there can be no confusion as to who the parents are, and you’ll have the official documents to prove it.
On the minus side, the parent whose name is not uses, loses is place in the social sphere.
· You and your spouse have created a new surname by combining both of yours, and it’s the one you and your family will use.
On the plus side you are starting with brand new setting a new standard for your new life and family and you are in essence honoring both sides of the family.
On the minus side, while you are both paying homage to you’re your past by keeping part of it, parents may not understand, and even you may feel like you are letting go of part of who your were and maybe still are.
· You and your mate retained your own surname and plan on giving your child one of these.
On the plus side one lineage continues to prevail and perpetuate tying baby into his/her heritage and family tree.
On the minus side: Your baby gets “removed” (at least) by name to one side of his/her heritage.
· You and/or your partner hyphenated your names at marriage and plan to do the same for baby.
On the plus side, your child get to hold on to his/her heritage on both sides, and everyone will definitely know whose child it is
On the minus side: Your child’s name can get to be quite lengthy, especially when filling out school forms, legal documents, or when he or she get married.
· You and your partner each kept your own name, but plan on using one as your child’s middle name and one as his/her last name
On the plus side, again, there will be little confusion about whose child this is and you will be holding on and passing along parts of both your lineage.
On the minus side, unless one of your surnames literally sounds like a milled name (such as Jones), it can get confusing with many mistaking your child’s middle name for part of his or her first name.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Name Tag: Choosing A (Surname) For Your Baby