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Green and Pristine: Earth-Friend Bathroom Options

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By Rachel Derry
Staff Writer LIFamilies

When you’re trying to live a green lifestyle and make your home more eco-friendly, it’s important to make sure to spread out your good habits from room to room. One major place where you can really reduce your impact is in the bathroom. Although cutting down your water usage is a major step that you’ve probably already been implementing for years, there are plenty of other ways to green up your bathroom lifestyle.

When it comes to keeping your bathroom clean, ditch the chemicals and think green. I know that I’ve been there; scrubbing my bathroom, on my hands and knees, trying not to breathe because the fumes are starting to burn my nose. Anything that burns your nose from breathing in the fumes can’t be good for the environment! Ditch those cleaners and save a dollar or two by making your own bathroom cleaner. Cleaning with vinegar is a great way to healthily disinfect. Have stains; try some baking soda or lemons. See how it feels having a clean bathroom that you don’t need to air-out before you’ll let the kids back in!

You’ve already cut down your shower time, why not cut down on even more of your water usage. Invest in a new, water conserving shower head to increase your water savings and decrease your footprint. Afraid that cutting down on usage means that you need to cut down on pressure? Don’t worry; many eco-friendly companies worried about the same thing and built pressurized shower heads to keep the same feel with less cost.

With your new shower head, now it’s time to surround yourself with a new PVC-free shower curtain. The beauty in the growing green trend now benefits you to in that these new-fangled PVC-free shower curtains can now be found in most any major retailer. You have already cut down on the chemicals used in your bathroom cleaners; don’t let your shower curtains throw off any more toxic chemicals for your family to breathe in.

Lastly, when your towels start to look more like rags, replace them with organic, earth-friendly towels that you can adore. Available in all the delicious colors of their synthetic counterparts, organic cotton or bamboo towels are a great way to spruce up your bathroom while still supporting the environment. The organic version is safer for both the manufacturers and your family in that they aren’t contaminated with the same chemicals and pesticides that the non-organic products are raised in. Organic bamboo towels can even go a step further and offer your sensitive family a hypo-allergenic alternative.

Long Island Green Living Articles > Green and Pristine: Earth-Friend Bathroom Options

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