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Seasonal Sniffles: Fighting Allergies Symptoms Naturally It seems as though if it's not one problem it's another; when the cold weather finally goes away, a wicked allergy season comes into full swing (trapping you inside either way). If you're a chronic allergy sufferer, you know the double edged sword of the changing seasons; you know that you either ... Read On 
Saving Green with A Green Thumb: Starting Your Own Garden CompostLooking for a great way to live a little greener while also saving a little green? Why not save a few bucks by starting your own composting system this season, instead of buying pre-made fertilized potting soil? Starting your own family compost is a great way to get your family involved in ... Read On 
The Power of Nature: Healing Properties of PineOne of the first signs of the holiday season is the influx of special “holiday scents” into the usual candle and scent infusers that consumers use in their homes. One of the most popular scents, year round, is the scent of fresh pine. It reminds people of the holidays and the special times that ... Read On 
Green Your Clean: Making Your Own Cleaning ProductsLooking for a great way to go green and save a little money at the same time? One of the easiest ways to start changing your house to a greener environment is by taking a look at you cleaning supplies. Most cleaners and disinfectants are far from earth friendly, with aerosol cans and toxic chemical ... Read On 
Green and Pristine: Earth-Friend Bathroom OptionsWhen you’re trying to live a green lifestyle and make your home more eco-friendly, it’s important to make sure to spread out your good habits from room to room. One major place where you can really reduce your impact is in the bathroom. Although cutting down your water usage is a major step that ... Read On 
Fashionably Green: Picking Greener Clothing Choices Trying to spruce up your wardrobe this fall? Why not revamp in a cool, green way. Going green isn’t just about recycling and reducing your use: everything you buy and utilize has an effect on the environment, whether good or bad, and leaves its own footprint. There are a couple easy and effect ways ... Read On 
Savor the Season: Utilizing Spring Time Harvests When it comes to eating healthy and feeling good, it is important to keep in mind what is readily available to you to keep your meals and preparations fresh and new. Living in a relatively rural area, (well at least, usually, no matter where you are on Long Island you can usually find fresh, local ... Read On 
Nurturing a Green Thumb: The Benefits of Family Gardening Now that the warm weather has arrived (for the most part), and we're all itching to come out of our winter comas, it's time to get the family outside and enjoy the fresh spring air! It isn't always easy to figure out family, fun activities that aren't going to cost an arm or a leg. Also, the usual ... Read On 
Fresh Flavors – Buying from Farmers Markets If you have ever had a vegetable garden, you know that there is nothing better than a cherry tomato straight off the vine. As a child I remember sneaking out on the deck to eat them off the plant, long before they ever had a chance to be harvested. Not everyone has the time or the space to have ... Read On 
Stop Wasting: Save food, money, and the worldStatistics show that in America alone nearly 40% of the food produced every year is wasted. Of that, 60% of the waste is made by us, the consumers. We’re all guilty of food waste. We buy too much, don’t eat our leftovers, and throw away those apples we meant to eat, but now are bruised. Although ... Read On 
Eating and Living Green: Joining a Long Island CSA In today’s society, the most popular trend is to be able to say you’re going green and getting healthy! Let’s face it: that’s not the easiest accomplishment in our fast paced world of coming and going. That’s where Long Island’s local farmers have come in, with their own helpful solution. Farmers ... Read On 
Hearty Harvest: The Joy Of Dining On Seasonal Delights Healthy eating is not only good for you…but it’s also become very “trendy”. And, while markets like Whole Foods and organic cooking are gaining in popularity…seasonal eating…eating primarily foods that are inherent to the season and preparing them in a fashion that balances sweet and sour, spicy ... Read On 