Games Infants Play: Entertaining Your Six-Month Old
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Now that your baby has been part of the family for half a year, and you’ve gotten over the fascination of simply staring at your precious bundle of joy for entertainment, it seems you both need a bit more activity and stimulation. But, it’s likely your child still can’t walk or talk, or has developed many of his or her other skills. So, your options for keeping active and entertained may seem limited. Not so, say experts, in fact there’s lots you can do to keep both you and baby busy, and “amused”.
1. Hands On Fun: Experts note that by about six months, most infants have a pretty good grip on hand control and can pull objects toward them or push it away from them and can generally grab their toys, while also attempting to master the skill of moving objects from one hand to the other. And, many discover the joy and fun of letting something go and watching (or hearing) it fall, then picking it up again. So, both of you can enjoy playing with baby’s toys.
2. Enjoying The Rights (And Lefts) Of Passage: By this stage in the game, babies begin to show favor for one hand or another. So, it’s a great opportunity to explore what your child can do with his or her preferred hand and helping him or her cultivate his or her skills.
3. Rock And Roll: Infants of this age are likely to have learned to roll over in various directions, an accomplishment that you’ll both be proud of and am used by. You may want to use this opportunity to do some exercises with your tiny tike keeping you both mentally and physically in shape.
4. An Emerging Social Butterfly: Infants at this age love attention, getting it, giving it, and even seeking it out, even in spite, of their often exhibited stranger anxiety. So, this is a great time to get you and him or her involved with other parents and infants helping to establish a healthy social environment, relationships and friendships.
Babies at this age are also exploring their behaviors and learning about which ones are acceptable and which ones are not. So, make this a time of bonding, exploring, learning and establishing limits and boundaries for both of you.
5. One Good Turn Deserves Another: Experts note that many six month olds enjoy playing games that involve taking turns, especially those that incorporate interesting sounds and language. They suggest allowing your baby to lead with you imitating his/her sounds, gestures and facial expressions, than allowing him or her to do the same. And they add, remember that when it’s your turn to lead, try to make your baby laugh and don’t forget the animal noises (and the accompanying explanation, dogs go bow wow, cats go meow, meow, etc.) 6. Babble Beguilement: Experts assert that by six months old your baby can see and hear almost as well as you. In fact they note that your infants communication skill are quickly taking shape, especially in the form of babble. Most children can master bi-syllabic sounds such as ma-ma, da-da, etc., and still others will begin to add syllables creating their own “language”. Experts suggest spending time encouraging your child by babbling along with him or her or by listening as if you understand.
7. Sense and Sensibility: Stimulate your baby’s senses by making sure he or she has enough around to keep him or her visually and audibly occupied. Provide for your child soft, safe toys with plenty to touch and manipulate. And don’t forget toys he or she can chew on during teething.
8. Novel Ideas: Taking time to read aloud to your child is a great way to help enhance his or her recognition of sounds and words, and spark his or her imagination. But, experts suggest choosing books with bright, colorful pictures that he or she will enjoy looking at.
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Games Infants Play: Entertaining Your Six-Month Old