The Spin Doctors: Expert Advice For Doing Laundry
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 You must first be logged in to post a new topic. If you are not registered, please click "Create Account". By Mia Bolaris-Forget
People use to ask me how married life was to which I answered, “just like single life, only double the work.” And, it’s likely that many other women/couples feel the same way. In fact, my husband always jokes that now with two of us, things should only take half the amount of time, not double.
And, one of my personal favorite “never-ending” chores is the laundry. Yes, with both of us being in the workforce, and him doing manual labor, we go through a lot. And, if you’re like me laundry is a “ritual” and no one else can handle it but me. After all, I don’t want our clothes, discolored, shrunk, etc. Still, my dear husband insists he got by just fine without me, and doesn’t understand what all the attention to detail and fuss is all about. But, most of us (ladies) know, there is a right (and thus wrong) way to do laundry.
Here’s laundry list of tips:
1. Wash same colors together. Typically this means at least three loads of laundry, separating clothes in darks, lights and whites. Of course there’s always “delicates” and “other” items such as towels and rugs, comforters, or jackets that should be washed separately. Remember, note experts that even in cold water the dyes from some darks tend to bleed and can ruin the rest of your laundry.
2. Separate and wash by fabric: Keeping, for the most part, similar fabrics together is preferable, especially for denim. Experts suggest that if possible, wash jeans together to help prevent their dye from bleeding onto your other garments.
3. Wash as recommended. Check the laundering care tag on each item or garment and follow instructions as closely as possible. As a general rule, wash dark clothes in cold water, light colors in cool to warm water and whites in hot water. However, experts suggest that when in doubt, cool temperatures are recommended over hot.
4. Run a test before doing the entire load. Professionals suggest spot testing detergents and other laundry products. While it can’t replicate the washing process, testing on the underside of a garment may give you a good idea as to how your garments will respond and react.
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The Spin Doctors: Expert Advice For Doing Laundry