Raising The Bar: Getting The Treatment You Deserve….Good For You And Others Too
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
I know of several individuals who are rarely on time, and we’re not talking about simply being fashionable late. And, of course each of them has their own excuses, sometimes understandable and sometimes valid. But, then again there are those times when the behaviour is “inexcusable”.
And, the one thing all these people seem to have in common is that while they don’t mean any intentional harm, is their inability to put others needs, and desires before theirs. But, before we go casting judgment, it’s also not necessarily a totally “selfish” thing. Instead, it’s simply a byproduct of what others have taught them they can get away with, and how we have taught these people to treat us.
In fact, I was recently commenting to someone that in my humble opinion, as a whole, we have become so “politically correct” that we may have inadvertently gotten “liaze-fare” with what we expect for ourselves from others.
In an effort to “keep the peace” (a necessary “evil”, according to experts), many of us may find it easier to give in and give up rather than put up a “fight”. We appease our children, spouses, bosses, colleagues, and friends just so we don’t have to put up with pouting, anger, pleading, or “offending” anyone. And, often times the one who gets “hurt”, is “easy-going” us. Plus, we may be setting these people, especially children, up for future “failure”.
According to experts, while we may be willing to put up with and forgive these individuals, the rest of the world is NOT. In fact, they add that by not correcting such actions, we are doing our friends and family a disservice.
They best way to assure respect (for yourself) and success for those you love, is by demanding the most and best of them. And, the earlier you instill these habits or respect and good behaviour, the better. As they note, you can either pay the price (of not being favored at the moment) or paying the price later, as you see that special someone experience more serious social and professional faux pas.
Long Island Development Articles
Raising The Bar: Getting The Treatment You Deserve….Good For You And Others Too