Dare Devil Divas: Girls And Extreme Sports, What's A Parent To Do?
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Your precious princess is beginning to have some pretty lofty ideas…perhaps quite literally. Maybe she’s thinking about jumping out of a plane, going mountain climbing, taking up motor-cross, racing, or getting involved in some other “Extreme” sport. All you know is that you are extremely concerned….but you’d also like to be extremely encouraging.
What’s a parent to do, short of locking your daughter up until she of age to be legally wed? According to experts, your first “obligation” is accepting your daughter’s personality, desire for the “daring” and acknowledging that many these activities are a natural fit for a much more spirited, adventurous, and courageous generation of girls and women. Additionally, it is helpful to understand that your daughter is capable of using “risk” positively to learn more about herself.
Your role is to help her evaluate the risk, and help her determine whether it is positive, age- appropriate or reckless. It’s also up to you to help her get proper guidance and training before “allowing” her to “venture out on her own”. Scout out certified instructors and trainers to get her off to a safe start…and don’t forget to keep her involved….giving her feeling of having (some) control in her life and in the decision-making as she matures.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Dare Devil Divas: Girls And Extreme Sports, What's A Parent To Do?