Eating For Two: Healthy Diets For Vegetarian Expectant Moms And Those Trying To Conceive.
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
So, on one hand you’re told to start eliminating certain foods from your diet, and on the other your told to make sure your add them, especially if your trying to conceive.
So, which is it? Well, it just may be both. While there’s no need to go back to eating meat, or even fish, experts suggest that vegans are at a greater “disadvantage” than their lacto-ovo vegetarian friends.
You see even ovo-lacto vegetarians get lots of the essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that vegans may be deprived of, simply because they eat eggs and dairy. Along with a healthy variety of plant based foods along with eggs and dairy give you not only may essential nutrients but enough calcium, protein and B12 keeping your body healthy and preparing it for conception.
However, experts suggest, once you make the decision to start trying for a family, to begin on a prenatal vitamin regimen prescribed by your doctor. And, they add, that the vitamin “of choice’ should contain iron and 400 micrograms of folic acid, which helps prevent neural tube defects in infants. Calcium supplements, about 1,000 milligrams daily, are also highly recommended throughout pregnancy.
Furthermore, experts add you should make sure to eat high-quality protein including soy (tofu), egg whites, beans, veggies and whole grains with nuts. Plus, they recommend also downloading some omega-3 fatty acids (essential for baby’s eye and brain development) into your diet, either by eating fish or by adding about two tablespoons of ground flaxseed or one tablespoon of the omeg-3 oil to your daily diet.
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Eating For Two: Healthy Diets For Vegetarian Expectant Moms And Those Trying To Conceive.