Parental Bonding: How Men Can Mentor Their Kids
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 You must first be logged in to post a new topic. If you are not registered, please click "Create Account". By mia bolaris-forget
Everyone is always talking about that “special” bond mothers have with not only their daughters but for quite a while and for some, a lifetime, with their sons. And, why shouldn’t they. After all it’s mom who carry’s the baby for nine months, nurturing him or her from the start. Still, dad, though he had a special role to play in conception is rarely, if ever heard about. But, most modern dad’s want to be involved in their child or children’s lives, form that special connection with their kids (especially their boys), and be though of as cool, as cool as mom once thought (and perhaps still thinks) him to be.
Yet, while little ones may be more eager to look up to this masculine role model, maintaining their respect as they get older can be quite the challenge. But, it is, according to experts both plausible and possible.
· Volunteer as their mentor and their coach: The sooner you get involved in your child’s life and activities the better. Serving as the coach for your child’s tam show’s your little one that you’re young at heart, adventurous and “the man”, a man in charge they can be proud of. Just remember to “tread lightly” and be firm, fair, and loving to all the “little leaguers”. Most importantly, if you want your kid to have fun, the fun and excitement has to start with you.
· Rock on: Learn to play a cool instrument or polish up your old skills to impress your tween or teen and his or her friends. But, be sure to not only brush up on old favourites but on some new and cool tunes that will allow you to make some serious noise and some serious headway in your relationship.
· Take them out to the ballgame: Find out your kids favourite team or take them to see a local team. You may even want to invite a few of the friends to the game including a stop for some snacks or some ice cream beforehand or afterwards.
· Bake them a “cake”…a pancake that is: Teat them to a Saturday or Sunday morning breakfast that’s got dad’s special touch such as pancakes in the shape of their favourite cartoon characters, far out spacehips, etc.
· Perfect funny noises: While mom may not favour flatulence, kids find it funny, especially little boys. So, perfecting fart and other funny noises may just score you some points with your son(s).
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Parental Bonding: How Men Can Mentor Their Kids