Mind, Body, And Spirit: How Spirituality Affects Your Health
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We all know that we want to live a longer, healthier life, but most of us think that health issues are for “older” folks, you know those over, thirty, forty, and those in our parents and grandparent’s generation.
But, according to recent research, even young adults are at high risk for high blood pressure and note that keeping it in check is key to health and longevity.
And, experts assert that while most of us (despite knowing what’s right) tend to good habits until it’s “too late” and then we pray for our health. Well, when it comes to keeping blood pressure in check, researchers note, praying is probably the best thing we can do. In fact of the participants in the survey (conducted) those who attended (religious) services the most frequently also has the most ideal blood pressure levels.
Long Island Development Articles
Mind, Body, And Spirit: How Spirituality Affects Your Health