Helping Hands: How To Find Time To Donate Your Time (To Worthy Causes)
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Everyone these days professes to needing a sense of purpose. For many that is there home and family, for others it’s their career and for still others it’s their hobbies and interests, but there’s one area many of us often forget, and with all that’s recently happened, many of us have been reminded of….and that’s volunteer work.
While it’s become quite the popular “buzz” word, as of late, many may still be reluctant about donating their (much needed and often limited) time and energy to a particular cause (especially when there are so many that could use help). Still others may not know where to begin.
Volunteering, according to health professionals is not only a way for women (men and children) to give back to the community, but a great way to meet new people and friends, stay mentally fit and active, and of course reap the rewards of knowing your contribution made a difference (which is priceless). And, it’s a lot easier (and less time consuming) than you may think. Here are a few easy steps to get you started.
1. Start By Redefining The Term: While most of us envision volunteers as socially conscious social butterflies, with an active interest in every pot, we fail to realize that WE (ourselves) are volunteers in many ways. From driving friends, family, children to school, the airport, the store, making a meal for someone who is too busy to enjoy frequent home cooking, walking someone’s dog, etc, we are freely, and willingly giving of ourselves and our time. Although we don’t think of it as volunteering, that’s exactly what it is, as we give up something we could be doing for ourselves and opting to do something “nice” for someone else. If you don’t think you have the time, just examine all the arenas in which you choose to help someone else out, and think again.
2. Remember That Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Okay, so you’ve taken the first step and “admitted” (maybe only to yourself) that you would like to “help”, or explore doing something else with your “free” time. Now all you have to do is DO something about it. Taking action is the next step and easier than you probably think. Most communities have volunteer centers where they can do a profile on you based on your likes and interests and put you in touch with all the proper clubs and organizations.
3. Identify and Define Your Cause: While you may want to, it’s probably not practical to expect to help EVERYONE. Review your profile and your interests and decide what you feel most passionate about and start from there. You may even have to participate in a few different organizations before finding the right fit, but realize that if it’s something you already care about, you’re more likely than not to fit right in.
4. Be Realistic And Don’t Get In Over Your Head: Once you find an organization your passionate about, remember not to let your enthusiasm get the best of you. Don’t be shy about how much time you have or are comfortable with “donating”. If you aren’t honest, you may find that you haven’t been given enough responsibility or that you’ve been given too much, a huge disappointment to both you and the organization…. one, which may lead you to sell yourself and the experience short.
5. Manage Your Time and Learn To Multi-Task: If you’re still in the work force, don’t stress out over your commitment. Find out instead if your boss offers flex time for volunteer work, a growing trend among larger companies and corporations. Another way to fit your commitment into your busy schedule is by including your whole family. According to professionals, it’s a great way to spend quality time together, learn some valuable (life) lessons, and feel really good about your accomplishments. Learning how to do two things at once, is an excellent way to make your commitments and obligations seem more attainable.
Long Island Development Articles
Helping Hands: How To Find Time To Donate Your Time (To Worthy Causes)