Show Me The Honey: How To Show Your Partner You Still Care
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Most relationships go from “puppy love” to merely hounding each other with daily rhetoric and obligations. Still, our lover remains one of the most cherished treasures in our lives. So, what’s changed besides our own attitude? According to experts, nothing. In fact, most note that our love and appreciation for our spouse increases while our ability to express this (giddy) appreciation decreases. We often don’t talk to each other unless we have something “important” to discuss, or there is some sort of “complaint” or “dissatisfaction” involved. We simple presume that our partner not only knows what we are thinking but what we are feeling.
No wonder relationship experts cite communication as one of the primary problems plaguing relationships. They emphasize the need to speak up, but also to “act up” and show our partners how we feel, especially when we are feeling good about our mate and something he/she has done.
A Few Simple Ways To Brighten Someone’s Day:
1. Voice Your Opinion: Impressed? Well, don’t simply take mental note and move on, say experts. Instead tell your partner what you see and how you feel. Paying someone a compliment, even for gestures such as putting something away in its proper place, can be a powerfully positive form of praise. Not only will offering a compliment make someone’s day, it will increase your ability to communicate effectively and lovingly and also intensify your relationship.
2. Tête-à-Tête: Put your heads together and talk amongst yourselves. Experts recommend allocating time alone to engage in conversation, but they advise against talking about issues that don’t involve you as a couple and enhance intimacy. They recommend trying to do this weekly but at least once every other week, as well, as setting time aside to enjoy each other’s company. Other pertinent life issues can be discussed while eating, driving, or during another designated time.
3. Offer Positive Feedback: Try to look and the bright side and say something positive about your partner. This will encourage him/her to keep up the good work and will let the other person know that you are not always focusing on his/her downfalls.
4. Be Spontaneous: Remember the good ole’ days where all you cared about was pleasing your partner, which only helped intensify the romantic feelings between both of you? With time it’s easy to fall into a complacent routine, but experts advise keeping the “fire” and passion alive. Remember, actions often speak louder than words so, consider doing something impromptu that you know will please your partner. The more unexpected the gesture, the better. And experts emphasize making such gestures will let your partner know you’re thinking of him/her and give them good reason to think of you too.
5. Create Some Touchy-Feely Situations: Spontaneous affection is, according to experts, just as important and necessary (for a healthy relationship) as spontaneous gestures. Offering yourself is among the most unselfish acts you can perform in a relationship. Think about offering your mate a passionate kiss over Sunday breakfast, or simply letting your morning hug linger a bit longer. Professionals point out that loving gestures help stimulate both emotional and physical intimacy.
Furthermore, experts emphasize that while you may occasionally consider your spousal obligations part of a “job”, consider how quickly you’d be seeking another employment venue if your employer never expressed any gratitude? Relationships need consistent nurturing and communication to survive and succeed. It’s important to not only be shown that you are appreciated, but also to show your partner he/she is too.
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Show Me The Honey: How To Show Your Partner You Still Care