Random Acts Of Kindness: It’s The Thought That Counts
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 You must be a logged in user to report a bad post! By Mia Bolaris-Forget
So, with, every room decorated, gifts that take about an hour and a half (each) to wrap, and each gift containing about two or three items (for instance: coat, plus scarf, hat, gloves, and maybe a chapstick and matching purse for good measure) my dear husband thought that Christmas was the “only” season of insanity at our home. Little did he know that my eccentricity (or what I like to suggest is bordering genius) reaches out beyond just one holiday, or season. In fact, any time I get the change to “make a big production”, I do. Birthdays, anniversaries, Easter, Valentine’s Day, etc…..it all allows me to feed my inner domestic diva and creativity. Plus, all that running around and housework is a great way to burn off calories and energy. But it goes beyond that. I can’t just go to the store and simply pick up something for myself. If I happen to stumble upon something for my best friend or her kids, I typically pick it up. If I’m out shopping for birthday cards and a see a great one from a grandparents to their grandchildren, I’ll pick it up for my step-dad or my in-laws and when I baby sit for friends I make sure to prepare dinner, throw in a load of laundry and try to tidy up what I can, so they have less to do upon getting home.
While my husband jokingly call it a “sickness”, I profess that’s its simply my nature. And, now, I finally feel “vindicated”.
According to “life” experts, taking time out to not only smell the roses but also pick some for someone else is an essential part of life. In fact, they suggest going that extra mile or two. And, they add that you don’t have to overextend or overexert yourself. In fact, they note that going that extra mile can be as simple as making a weekly call to a friend or family member, or sending that birthday card out in enough time to make sure it gets to its destination on time It can even mean something “generic” such as picking up a piece of garbage and putting it in a receptacle.
Still, a small gesture, note experts, can go a long way, and it can make a significant difference in someone’s outlook or day. It can even boost your spirits or disposition. Plus, it’s a great way to prevent yourself from becoming too self-absorbed and a great lesson to teach and example to set for kids.
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Random Acts Of Kindness: It’s The Thought That Counts