Survival Of The Fittest: Keeping Kids Fit And Healthy
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Prone to diabetes, heart disease and other ailments, with statistics showing that unlike ever before this population is being increasing affected with health issues like never before. Now, we’re not talking about our nations seniors, middle agers, 30-somethings or even those who are in the young adult category. We are talking about our children and an epidemic that has escalated over the past 50 years due to an increase in overweight youngsters and teen, many of which suffer from obesity.
According to experts, our ancestors, as primitive as we may think them to be, seemingly had a better grasp on nutrition we do. Instead of counting calories, they enjoyed foods that digested slowly and maintained a sense of fullness, which also helped promote a good and healthy metabolism. However, with the advent and popularity of low-fat diets, today’s population, according to the experts, is consuming more carbohydrates than ever before, raising our overall glycemic index. That’s because carbs boost our blood sugar, but leaves us crashing soon after, making us irritable, distracted and typically (still) hungry.
They recommend a nutrition plan based on whole and less-processed foods and products to help support weight management and lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. And, that includes altering the diets and eating habits of our youngsters. In fact, they often tend to know the difference between good food and “junk” food. But, it’s up to the parents to ensure they make the right choices.
They add that not only do good eating habits begin at home, but they begin with you. Stay healthy by adhering to the following “diet” plan.
· Keep only healthy and nutritious foods and treats in the house. Save sugary, not-so healthy treat ONLY for outside the home.
· Start limiting your child’s intake early on. Remember, advertisers target kids, make sure YOU point out which choices are wise and which are not, and make sure your enforce proper eating habits.
· Set the pace by eating healthfully yourself. Kids will mimic what they experience and see. Besides you will benefit as well.
· Make meal time a family affair, this will allow you to monitor what they eat as well as give you time to peak into their “private” world, exchange information and build bonds as well as healthy eating habits.
· Don’t skip the main meal of the day, breakfast. Eating breakfast is the best way to fuel your metabolism so you don’t feel sluggish by afternoon. Remember, even a piece of toast or fruit is better than nothing at all.
· Treat yourself with treats ONLY on “special” occasions. Remember, your child cleaning off his or her plate does NOT fall into this category.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Survival Of The Fittest: Keeping Kids Fit And Healthy