Perception Deception: Living The Life You Want And Deserve
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Whether we mask our insecurities, or wear them on our sleeve, we all have them, and they generally stem from our perception of ourselves, and perhaps what we’ve been told by others.
According to experts, most insecurities tend to make us feel alienated from a situation, group or accomplishment we wish we could gain access to or achieve, basically making us feel inadequate and “unworthy”.
But, professionals point out that the notion that those that are considered more “privileged” and have access to greater opportunities, is just a lie.
While they may be accomplished in certain areas or arenas of life that you are not (at least not yet), they really aren’t any different or more deserving than you.
In fact, they primary difference is that they have learned to use what they have to get what they want, and live the best live possible. And, they suggest that you do the same. Make a decision about what you are “entitled” to or what you’d like to look like or experience and give yourself permission to pursue your dreams, even if you don’t always succeed. After all, if you never try, you’ll “never” succeed and you’ll never know
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Perception Deception: Living The Life You Want And Deserve