Savour The Flavour: Making Meals More Meaningful
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Like most wives, partners, moms, etc, I often “struggle” with what to pack my DH for breakfast and lunch each day and with what to serve up for dinner so that both supper and his lunch, mostly of left-overs (from a day or two before) is tasty, exciting, healthy, and easy to eat on the job.
And, since we both have busy and hectic schedules that may mean whipping up a good-for-you “gourmet” meal in minutes on the fly and devouring it on the fly as well. And, in fact, eating just seems to be “routine”, and standing in the way of our other plans and obligations.
Spice up dinnertime and your meals, say experts, by enhancing your eating habits. Nutrition experts suggest getting the most out of your meals by savouring each flavour and taking your time to enjoy each bite. In fact, they go as far as to suggest examining each spoonful or fork-full taking note of its appearance, smell, taste, and texture.
Focusing on the fine details of food and dining helps increase your appreciation of what you are eating and your satisfaction level. It also helps you take note of just how much you are eating, while also giving your brain extra time to register your intake, so that you feel full faster and by paying attention to particulars also helps take the “mundane” out of meals.
Long Island Green Living Articles
Savour The Flavour: Making Meals More Meaningful