No Time For Kidding Around: Making Sure Your Little Ones Get To Bed On Time This Holiday Season
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Kids want to grow up and that means wanting to stay up past their bedtime and “party” with mom and dad. And, while this is usually the “norm”, it can get “worse” with all the fanfare of the holiday season. After all, between all the sweet holiday treats and all the excitement, you may find kids slightly more “out of control” when it comes to staying up (with the adults). But, most parents will agree, that time alone (and with friends and family) is important for every couple, and so is making sure kids get a GOOD night’s sleep.
1. Bed Time Timing: Make sure, especially with younger children that you set a definite bedtime, even if its slightly later than normal, and sticking to it. At the designated time, make the “bedtime” announcement, take kids to their room, read each a story, kiss them goodnight and tuck them in.
2. Give kids space: Once kids are tucked in, leave the room. If kids are “frightened” or want your company, consider staying in the room for a while, but turn your back or your head and lose yourself in a book or close your eyes to, but DO NOT engage them in any antics or conversation. Remember, you want them to fall asleep, and if you cater to their efforts to stay up, they “will”.
3. No exceptions: Unless it’s a real emergency, DO NOT allow your child to get up. If he or she MUST use the bathroom, allow them to do so, but with you close by and make sure you get them back to bed immediately and with no conversation or eye contact.
4. Create a healthy distance: This is most applicable to very young children. Make sure that each night means one more step toward independence between you and your child. Move a little further from the crib or bed each day and eventually out of the room all together. You may however, if you want keep a baby monitor or room cam in the room for YOUR peace of mind. Remember, you are not ignoring or neglecting your children, especially not if you spend quality time with them during their waking hours.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
No Time For Kidding Around: Making Sure Your Little Ones Get To Bed On Time This Holiday Season