Green Your Clean: Making Your Own Cleaning Products
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
Looking for a great way to go green and save a little money at the same time? One of the easiest ways to start changing your house to a greener environment is by taking a look at you cleaning supplies. Most cleaners and disinfectants are far from earth friendly, with aerosol cans and toxic chemical antibacterials. Not only are they harsh on the environment, they are hard on the user, too. There is a reason why most cleaners instruct to use them in a well ventilated area. Why not save a little green, in more ways than one, and make household cleaners of your own!
Start out with an all purpose cleaner. You want a good, disinfectant that you can use on any surface, especially when you have discoloration and stains. For a quick, simple fix, add 2 cups of water and 2 cups of white vinegar to a spray bottle, and then watch them work wonders! Have a stuck on stain? Warm the mixture up in a microwavable dish to increase the strength. Add a little of your favorite scented oil, if you’d like, to leave your floors, counters, and sinks smelling fresh and clean.
If you need a cleaner with more scrubbing powder, it’s time to add baking powder into the mix! For a good, scrubbing solution mix 2 cups of baking soda, ½ cup liquid castile soap, 4 tsp vegetable glycerin, and 5 drops of your favorite antibacterial oil, such as thyme, lemongrass, or cinnamon, for fragrance. This mixture, once complete, can also be saved in an air-tight container for up to 2 years so that you don’t need to make the mix too often!
Do you have wooden furniture that occasionally needs polishing? Trade in your old, store-bought polish for a fast and easy one of your own! Simply combine 4 tbsp of white distilled vinegar, 20 drops of lemon essential oil (or 2 tsp lemon juice) and ¼ cup of olive oil. You’ll still get that lustrous shine and wonderful lemony scent without the harmful chemicals. Any extra polish can be stored in the refrigerator to keep fresh until the next time you need it.
For clogged up drain, the solution is much simpler than you think! Remember the days of science experiment volcanoes? In homage to those days, simply pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain. Once it is down, follow it with 1 cup of white vinegar. Let that sit for 30 minutes, than chase it down the drain with a pot of boiling water.
Long Island Green Living Articles
Green Your Clean: Making Your Own Cleaning Products