Part 4 - Faith In The Future: Nurturing Your Son's Future
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By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Adolescent struggles, especially for boys often result in outer expressions of inner frustrations. Boys, unlike girls have fewer “emotional outlets” when it comes facing life and its challenges. While girls bond together, “gossip” and cry on each other’s shoulders, boys are expected to exhibit their strength by figuring things out rationally, unemotionally and “on their own”.
Girls may even have security blankets, stuffed animals and cute little guardian angel pins to guide them and offer them faith. In fact FAITH, according to experts is a key and often essential element is offering hope for the future and through difficult situations.
While, through friends, girls (and females) have been taught and encouraged to seek support and encouragement outside themselves, boys are frequently forced to rely on “inner” strength and judgment. The question is where is this strength and “good judgment” coming from. The “obvious” answer should be from their spirit, a spirit that needs to be nurtured and nourished by FAITH and faith in the future.
Helping them establish a fundamental belief/value system as a “way of life”, according to authorities is a good starting point and fundamental foundation. Teaching your boys to seek strength and inspiration from outside themselves and their own power is probably the greatest lesson and gift you can give them and ensure inspired, positive choices concerning their lives and their future.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Part 4 - Faith In The Future: Nurturing Your Son's Future