New And Improved: Out With The Old, In With The New Can Be Good For You
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![](/i/a/2095.jpg) By mia bolaris-forget
If you’re like me, you eagerly grab your first couple ounces of personality and enthusiasm first thing in the morning, again in the afternoon, and if you’ve go a “late” night, perhaps a smaller cup in the early evening. In fact, I honestly believe, though I’ve cut back significantly, I have and continue to “single-handedly” keep Juan Valdez gainfully employed one cup at a time.
Still, energy should be something, say experts that we should experience naturally and that can be achieved via healthy living such as a balanced, healthy diet and plenty of exercise. However, experts also note that the reasons many of us lose our verve is because even the most beneficial of routines become just that….routine; and that, over time can drag us down.
Boost your mood by staying on track, but also by challenging yourself and trying something new. From switching up your workout routine, to heading out to someplace new, the key is keeping it “fresh”. In fact recent research reveals that trying something novel, may just be a novel idea when it comes to giving your brain and body a rush. That’s because the experience signals your brain to release dopamine, a feel good chemical that gives your body a “pat on the back” for doing something new. Plus, the more you do, the bigger the pay off. That’s right, studies suggest that the dopamine released as a result of “going out on a limb” slowly seeps into other areas of your life, inspiring you to do more while simply conducting day to day life. So, you just may find you now have the energy and inspiration you need to finish a project you started or never started or to catch up with chores around the house.
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New And Improved: Out With The Old, In With The New Can Be Good For You