Ask And You Shall Receive: Overcoming The Fear Of Going After What You Want
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Do you ever feel like you fall short of getting what you want or meeting your goals? You are not alone. We all do. And, while much of it may be in our own hands, such as shedding some extra pounds (via diet and exercise), keeping our home neat, clean, and organized, saving money, etc., much of it is also out of our hands and in the hands of “fate” or others. Or, is it.
According to some the reason many of us don’t get what we want or need or have aspired to because not only are we “afraid” of the risks, but many of us are also afraid of asking. In fact, rejection is probably our biggest fear. But, experts suggest that if we don’t ask or go after something, than how can we receive? And, they add that in most cases, the worst we can hear, at least for the time being, is “no”. And, even that may be a “blessing” in disguise; it may even lead us in a new direction we would have never even though of, or it can actually get us what we want and where we want to go.
Long Island Development Articles
Ask And You Shall Receive: Overcoming The Fear Of Going After What You Want