To Pee Or Not To Pee (Standing Up): Potty Training Little Boys
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
It’s no doubt among the happiest moments of a parents life, the day your child learns to call to you, eat on his or her own, and of course they day you can trade in diapers for big boy or girl underpants.
But potty training can be “tricky” especially for boys who eventually have to learn how to urinate standing up.
Yet, according to experts, if you are currently in the process of teaching junior how to go pee pee in the potty you don’t have to be concerned about teaching how to do it standing up. First concentrate on teaching him how to do it (in the proper place) in the first place.
According to experts most little boys have a small penis which usually points almost straight out, and frequently pee on the back of the seat or miss the bowl completely. And, if he loses his “focus”, pee can wind up almost anywhere including on the wall or floor.
With that said, experts suggest simply teaching boys who are being potty trained to urinate sitting down. Once he’s a “pro” at that he’ll be able to master the art of standing (and peeing) in about a day.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
To Pee Or Not To Pee (Standing Up): Potty Training Little Boys