Homecoming: Preparing Your Home For Baby's Arrival
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
You’ve spent nine months preparing…but there’s really no way of preparing for all the joy and excitement a new baby brings until you hold it in your arms and get ready to bring him/her home.
Meanwhile, back at the crib, literally, you want things to be as welcoming for junior or juniorette as possible. But like any new addition, it takes a little while to get use to. In fact, experts say, couples usually need about six weeks to make the adjustment and transition in lifestyle.
Setting in to parenthood is a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience. And gentlemen, following the following “guy”dlines can make it that much soother and easier. · Show your partner lots of love, support and affection. Make sure hugs and kisses and compliments are ready and available. And, remember this is new to HER too, don’t forget to let her know how proud you are of her and the excellent job she’s doing. · Consider offering her some time off to enjoy some mother nurture. You may want to relieve her of her duties for a few hours or you may want to ask for help from family and friends. Ask for assistance with household errands or chores or maybe even with taking care of the baby. · Give mom a hand. Offer to help out with feedings (unless your partner is breast feeding, in which case you can participate by bringing the baby over to her). Offer to change diapers, bathe the baby, cook dinner and/or assume some of the other household obligations…or simply give mom some time to catch up on some alone time or chores by taking care a the child and putting it to sleep. This will also help in giving you (both) some extra (and probably much needed) rest or quality time alone.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Homecoming: Preparing Your Home For Baby's Arrival