Part 3 - Think Thin: Psyching Yourself Up For Success
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 You must first be logged in to post a new topic. If you are not registered, please click "Create Account". By Mia Bolaris-Forget
I’m sure you’ve all heard it said, that for women, “sex” is all in the mind. Well, according to experts, sexiness is all in the mind as well. They note, that by psyching yourself up, you can slim yourself down.
Experts assert, that while simply thinking thin (thinner) thoughts won’t help you shed pounds, shedding light on your detrimental thought processes (that cause you to eat or encourage unhealthy routines that are associated to weight gain) will.
Understanding your habits and “mental” patterns is an essential element to successful weight loss and weight control.
· Firstly experts suggest understanding your body and body image. Loosing weight may be possible, while re-structuring your body to your “ideal” image may not be. Remember, genetics and body type/shape are key elements to what is attainable, and attractive for you specifically.
· Change your attitude. Begin to accept your success. Experts affirm that once you identify with your new identity, reaching your goal will be more attainable because you will already view yourself in a new light and lifestyle. Redefining who and what you are is one of the first steps to success.
· Take the pressure off. Remember, that what goes up must come down, and that includes your enthusiasm. Experts note, that all new beginnings are exciting, but that it’s just as easy to get discouraged and frustrated. If you begin to focus on all the efforts and commitment necessary for reaching your goal, and not on smaller accomplishments, and the thrill of your “final victory” you may actually convince yourself that your goal is far too complex and “unattainable” and quit before you even get to the starting line.
· Lower your expectations and set realistic goals. Begin by focusing on small accomplishments and try to refrain from expecting perfection. You may not always succeed in meeting your (daily, weekly, monthly) goals, but that’s not reason to accept that as a failure and resume old, ‘unhealthy” patterns and/or behaviors. Instead, experts suggest noting and accepting your “setback(s)”, setting new goals from a new vantage point and chronicling your success from there.
· Stop going to extremes. Weight control (unlike dieting) is not about an absolute philosophy. Experts emphasize that just because you has “a bad day” or allowed yourself an extra indulgence is NOT a reason to give up entirely, or as carte blanche to now break all the other rules of weight loss and healthy eating. Instead simply understand that everything is ok in moderation and work harder to avoid temptation next time.
· Keep it all in perspective. Just as much as it’s not the end of the world if you stray a little, it’s also not the end of your journey if you experience some success. Keep a sense of perspective and balance when evaluating your progress. Expect some smooth sailing AND some bumps along the way, and have a reward/remuneration plan ready for both.
· Treat yourself well. Whether you make progress or not, remember what you are trying to accomplish takes time, dedication, and patience. Experts advise you to love yourself and reaffirm your self worth. Take pleasure in your attempts as well as your accomplishments and allow yourself some extra special “treats” (a new outfit, day of beauty, etc) when you feel like you’ve earned and deserve them.
· Avoid restrictive thinking. Of course you want to get rid of or limit your “bad” habits, but you don’t want to stop living either. Remember, while weight loss may initially be all about avoiding negative patterns, weight control is all about balance. Experts say too many restrictions may actually cause you to “fail”. You may feel your self-imposed limitations are in fact too limiting and you may begin to resent your choice and quickly revert back to more “comfortable” actions. However, they note, that while you shouldn’t “deprive” yourself, you should realize the importance of sticking to a plan, one that’s good for YOU and, above all BELIEVE that your “sacrifice” is worth it and not something you unwillingly dread.
Next: Part 4 - A Pinch Of This…A Dash Of That: Key Ingredients To Successful Weight Management: >>
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Part 3 - Think Thin: Psyching Yourself Up For Success