Pushing The Limit: Push-Presents: Not Just For The Jet Set Any More (What Expectant Dads Need To Know)
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Guys, you thought you gave her the greatest gift of her life when you asked her to marry you and then again when you helped her conceive your child. In fact, as far as you’re concerned, these precious gifts, especially the gift of delivering a healthy bundle of joy, were as good as gold. Well guys, think again.
New moms need to feel appreciated for carrying and delivering YOUR baby…and, once again Hollywood (coupled with word of mouth and media) has brought you another gem of an idea. In fact, baubles and gems are what it’s all about; and if fact most new moms expect you to rock their world with some bedazzling rocks and (gem) stones including diamonds and pearls; lovingly known as the “push present”.
And while Hollywood may want to take ALL the credit, the truth is the tradition has its origins in longstanding cultural roots. In England, men are expected to give their wives and elegant ring (upon delivery), and in India expectant dad present the new mom with a set of gold jewelry, offering more elaborate gifts for boy babies than girls. Push- present, which have (quickly) gained favor and popularity (among expecting females) in North America, are typically jewels, but don’t necessarily have to be. Custom-made trinkets are the latest rage, though other popular options include dazzlers like Porches (especially if it’s a Porsche SUV for mama and baby), and summer homes (where both can escape and relax).
And you thought you had performance pressure BEFORE she conceived.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Pushing The Limit: Push-Presents: Not Just For The Jet Set Any More (What Expectant Dads Need To Know)