TMI (Too Much Information): Recovering From Revealing Too Much
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
There an old adage that suggests that it’s better to keep you mouth closed and thought of as a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. But, we’ve all, at one time or other been guilty of an “open mouth, insert foot” moment. And, one of the most embarrassing situations is mentioning to one friend something going on with another and finding out they were neither included nor invited.
While you may feel stupid, the smart way to handle it say experts is by simply “downplaying” the faux pas. In fact, they suggest simply saying you’re sorry and moving on to the next topic. And, they suggest letting your hostess in on your slip of the lip as well. After all, the invitation may have gotten lost in the mail, she may have overlooked her/his name on the guest list or she may feel inclined to call and make “amends”. It’s also a good idea to clue her in just in case the uninvited party decides to confront the host or hostess in question.
Long Island Development Articles
TMI (Too Much Information): Recovering From Revealing Too Much