Running On Empty: Refueling For The Winter
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Okay, I was okay up until the cold weather hit; not a big fan. In fact, the only “positive” is that the winter can be beautiful (if you don’t have to leave your home) and that by the time it actually arrived this year, the days had begun getting slightly longer.
Still, the chill in the air inspires me to do not much more than lounge around and nest. And, it certainly doesn’t make hitting the gym after work any easier. Just the though of getting out of my warm sock and into workout wear leaves me drained of energy.
And, according to experts, I’m not alone. Most of us tend to “nest” during the winter.
But, “nesting” doesn’t get us in bikini-ready shape, nor does it allow the housework and errands take care of themselves. So, it’s up to us to “get into the mood”. Here’s what the experts suggest for boosting your energy and beating the winter blahs.
1. Stay on the “straight and narrow: According to experts proper breathing is essential to maintaining our energy. Yet, they suggest that most of us, slumped over a computer for the better part of the day, are breathing improperly, depriving ourselves of oxygen, and ultimately robbing ourselves of energy. Instead, they recommend sitting up straight, drawing the outside of your shoulders away from each other and deeply inhaling and exhaling through your nose. They suggest that proper posture helps us breathe better and that breathing through the nose is a cleaner way of breathing.
2. Let the sun shine: Another reason why most of us feel down and out is lack of light, sunlight specifically, though most any light will do. With that said, experts suggest 30-minutes of bright light therapy each day, in fact, first thing in the morning. You can purchase a Daylight box that simulates sunlight, and can be extremely beneficial for those who get up before sunrise. This fools your internal clock into thinking it’s time to get on the go. Turning on house and office light and keeping it bright can also boost your energy and your mood.
3. Stimulate your senses: Experts suggest that taste and smell can affect our mood, so it’s important to feed both with energizing aromas. They note that grapefruit, peppermint and rosemary are among the most invigorating and energizing scents. They suggest adding about five drops of oil to your bath water or body lotion or actually eating grapefruit, peppermint or rosemary to enjoy not only extra energy but some pretty awesome added health benefits.
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Running On Empty: Refueling For The Winter