Laws Of Attraction: Sexy Is As Sexy Does And How To Improve Your Sex Appeal
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Having spent years in the media and some in front of the camera, I know first hand that images and perceptions are created and take lots of hard work. In fact, when it comes to “sexy” what you see on magazine covers most likely “isn’t” what you’ll get in person. And, say experts, when it comes to sexy and sex appeal, part of the “attraction”, past the physical in the person and how attractive he or she is from the inside out.
Still, a clean, bright smile, nice clothes, hair, lips etc. surely don’t hurt, Neither does knowing how to “turn on the charm”. With that said, experts offer some advice on “sensuality” and how to turn up the heat on your “sexuality”.
1. Shape up: While no one is suggesting you get down to a size zero or a size two, they are suggesting you get comfortable in your own skin and make sure your “comfort zone” is a healthy one. Keep fit by routinely exercising, even if that means using the stairs rather than the elevator a few times a day, and develop healthy eating habits that are good for body, mind, soul and skin.
2. Find your groove: Consider going out dancing with your spouse or friends, or possibly enrolling in dance lessons or a dance class. According to experts, dancing burns up to 300 calories and hour and it’s fun.
3. Exercise your mind: Make sure to “sex-up” you mind by getting it into good shape, just like you do your body. And, we’re not just talking about brushing up on intimacy techniques, but actually reading, taking a class or getting a new hobby to keep you intellectually agile, confident and astute. Remember, having something interesting to talk about and share makes you interesting and sexy.
4. Sleep on it: While too much sleep is no good, neither, say experts is too little. In act, they suggest that dark circles and bags can be a “buzz-kill” to your “sex appeal” whereas a good sleep/rest can rejuvenate your skin.
5. Highlight your individuality: Take cues from those you admire, but don’t try to become something your not. In fact, celebrate who you are and all YOUR likes. Remember, confidence and individuality are very appealing, attractive and sexy.
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Laws Of Attraction: Sexy Is As Sexy Does And How To Improve Your Sex Appeal