Part 3 - Dating Safely: Smart Strategies For Teens And Young Adults
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Since dating is all about getting to KNOW the other person and establishing a healthy relationship, you may want to consider the following safety tips that show respect for yourself and your potential partner/relationship and are just plain good ole’ fashioned common sense.
· Double date until you are sure about the person’s character and intentions.
· Refrain from being alone or getting too close to soon. A potentially abusive partner may misread your good intentions as vulnerability and an excuse to take advantage of a situation and YOU.
· Let someone know where you are going, how long you plan on being there and how and where to reach you…and make sure your date knows you’ve told someone and have someone who cares.
· Realize you lowered inhibitions and “impaired” judgment abilities “under the influence” (of drugs and/or alcohol)…and refrain from any activity that will put YOU in an uncomfortable and uncompromising position.
· If you want to leave a party or establishment with someone you don’t know well, make sure you inform a friend or someone with you about your intentions and plans. Make sure they see whom you are leaving with and in what mode of transportation. Ask someone to call (in a designated amount of time) to ensure you’ve gotten home safely.
· Trust your gut feelings. If something seems too good to be true and you have reservations…avoid the situation. If you’re already in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable then stay cool, calm and collected, and try to remove yourself without any potentially dangerous ramifications.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Part 3 - Dating Safely: Smart Strategies For Teens And Young Adults