At Face Value: Smooth Moves For Sensational Skin
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Upon perusing the chat boards I was shocked to find out how many lovely Long Island ladies have celebrated their big 30 and still don’t have any greys. And, I was equally as “shocked’, yet perhaps secretly relieved to find out how many other ladies, saw their first grey before the age of 20, and whose natural hair colour is now mostly “white”.
And, while most of us cleverly cover up our first signs of maturity, there are some things that aren’t quite easy to conceal. Wrinkles are one of these. But, while it may currently seem like I’m the bearer of “bad” news, the reality is that there’s good news for those who live and eat right. In fact, experts suggest that most of us the fountain of youth may very well be found in the foods we choose. Here are a few that are noted for their ability to stave off lines and even turn back the hands of time.
A “Chinese” Apple A Day Can Keep Dry, Harsh Skin Away: Otherwise known as pomegranates, this vitamin-C fortified fruit can help smooth skin by fighting the damaging effects of the sun. According to experts, the seeds are full of ellagic acid and puncalagin; the first which is a polyphenol compound that targets damage from free radicals, and the second which serves as a supernutrient that boosts your body’s ability to preserve collagen, the connective tissue under our skin that gives it a plump, youthful and smooth appearance.
Experts suggest not only pouring yourself a glass of pomegranate juice but feasting on the seeds at least once a week.
Become a “Blue Blood”: Adding blueberries to cereals, yogurt, muffins etc can help smooth out fine lines. Experts assert that these small berries are packed with more antioxidants than almost any other food, and that translates into added protection fro your skin again free radicals often the result of excessive sun exposure, emotional stress and even over-exercising (particularly running). The pros recommend a half-cup daily to prevent the cell structure damage that frequently results in loss of firmness, fine lines and wrinkles.
Go Green: Organic is good, but organic greens are even better, especially when it comes to spinach and kale. The revitalizing veggies are “plum” packed with intense phytonutriens or antioxidant compounds that protect against damage resulting from the sun. Spinach is full of beta-carotene and lutein, two essential nutrients that are noted for improving skin elasticity. Experts suggest three cups of these dark, leafy greens per week.
Get Hooked On Cold-Water Fish: Cold water fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel are packed with omega-3 fatty acids that strengthen skin-cell membranes, keeping in moisture and reducing redness. Experts suggest two 6-ounce servings per week, especially as a “treatment” for inflammations including psoriasis and eczema.
Drink To Your Health: Green Tea is not only packed with antioxidants but also contains catechins (an extremely effective compound fro preventing sun damage) and polyphenols (a form of antioxidant that fights free radical damage and can potentially reverse the effects of aging). These both in combination can help guard against unsightly age spots. Experts suggest at least one cup daily to see results in as soon as one month.
Saturate Your Skin With This Refreshing Melon: According to experts watermelon is jam packed with vitamin-C, lycopene and potassium, all intense antioxidants that control the balance of water and nutrients in cells. How much should you have? Experts recommend one to two cups per week.
Get Slick About Achieving A Sizzling Glow: According to experts olive oil has many beneficial good fats that offer heart-healthy omega-3s, which help bolster circulation giving skin a healthy rosy glow and some extra suppleness. Use daily in salads, foods or take a teaspoon to start your day.
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At Face Value: Smooth Moves For Sensational Skin