Promise Keepers: Starting The New Year On The Right Foot
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
If you’re still stressing over New Year’s resolution you’ve made but (even in this short time) haven’t kept, you just may want to come up with a backup plan.
In fact, according to experts, the problem with most resolutions is that they are simply not “doable”. But, they’ve also come up with a (short) list of items that you “can” realistically accomplish.
1. Indulge In A Taste Of The Good Life: Experts suggest trimming expenditures and your waistline by getting things healthily sizzling in the kitchen. They suggest some yummy, but healthy and low fat recipes at least three days a week.
2. Order In More: No, not takeout, but get your home and closet in order. Get rid of things you don’t need, haven’t worn in ages or are simply no longer appropriate. It will save you time and aggravation when it comes to finding things, especially when you’re in a hurry.
3. Do Unto Others: Promise yourself to be a better friend, even to your spouse and family. Make conscious note to remember special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc and send a little something, even if its just an e-card. And, don’t forget to try to making more time for keeping in touch, inviting others over or simply upping the amount of your “keep-in-touch” calls.
4. Give Yourself A Time Out: Don’t deny yourself some time away from it all. Take advantage of booking or taking some time off and heading to an exotic or adventurous destination. And, make sure you reserve plenty of time for yourself and for just the two of you.
5. Make A Personal Investment: No, not the monetary kind, but one that can bring you and your relationship many happy returns. Find an “outlet” that will help you take the edge off and improve yourself and your mind frame. Consider taking a class you’ve always wanted, pursuing one of your interests or talents or getting creative with public service or around the house. Pick something positive that will enhance your life and make your more interesting.
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Promise Keepers: Starting The New Year On The Right Foot