Building A Better You: Strengthening Yourself Through Strengthening Your Relationships
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Many people are under the explicit impression that there is a fine yet clearly discernable line between living and existing, with the former focusing more on the quality of life and the relationships therein.
Unfortunately, quality of life is often confused or associated with education, status, and success rather than with the intensity and caliber of lifestyle (and how much we earn and have) rather than on how we live, what we do and how we relate and associate with others, as well, as who those people are.
But, according to life experts and psychology professionals, these more subtle nuances can help us achieve greater fulfillment, satisfaction and happiness. Strong powerful relationships can help us feel better about ourselves and more readily and easily avoid negative individuals, influences and situations or get out of them. After all, they (the experts) note that we often (begin to) identify with those who we feel accepted by and interact with and often develop or emulate their thinking and/or behavior.
With that said, it’s imperative to forge connection with individual you not only “like” but whom you look up to (even if they seem “out of reach”), who encourage and inspire you, and who your wish (in some regard) you can be more like, and feel would truly have your best interest at heart, challenging you to challenge yourself and live up to your personal best. In fact, professional point out that it is only when we seek and share mutually positive and supportive, caring and honest relationships that we are enables to implement the essential chances we need to grow as individuals, and move forward in a positive and promising direction.
The key they assert is thinking and looking outside the box and outside your comfort zone. If you’ve always hung out with more fun-loving or perhaps “irresponsible” individuals, consider looking for more “serious”, demure types that you may think wouldn’t accept you, or with which you simply wouldn’t fit in. But, taking the initiative may prove to be beneficial and surprising…and who knows, they just might get or learn something from you too.
Stepping Out Of The Zone…The Comfort Zone That Is:
The thing to keep in mind is that in order to see results, you’ll first need to take some risks. If you see that you’ve been unsuccessful as a “homemaker”, or had little interest in it, but find yourself “envying” those who have mastered the art of home décor, perhaps you can take a class in interior design and make friends with some of the gals there or ask some more domestic divas at work. If you have a wild streak or angry issue that seems to be holding you back, perhaps you want to look into organizations comprised of more “reserved” individuals and learn about different aspect of yourself and living up to a new, perhaps, “better” potential. Also if you’d like to take an existing relationship to a higher level, let the other person know, if there’s someone you are interested in, ask them out, if you long to be more like your married friends, ask them for advice, and/or assistance, or if your looking to make new friends or business connections, start going to local events, meeting, networking opportunities, and simply getting the word out among those you (already) know. Keep in mind, that the more effort YOU make to reach out and fit in, the more chances of success, just make sure you are reaching out to the right groups and/or people, not just for now, but for your future.
Long Island Development Articles
Building A Better You: Strengthening Yourself Through Strengthening Your Relationships