To Be Or Not To Be (A Gentleman At All Times): Striking A Balance You Both Can Live With
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Most women look forward to marrying their prince and turning into the queen of the castle. But, unfortunately, many men forget, at least after the first few dates (or days of marriage) are over, that good manners are ALWAYS important and that they STILL have to treat their lady like a Princess.
But, experts asserts that being the consummate husband/partner, means also being the consummate gentleman and that’s not always easy, but it may be “easier” than you think.
While it, no doubt, chivalrous to hold the door open or get in the car after your lady, and out of it before her, you don’t always have to put yourself last; but you should at least consider not always putting yourself first.
So, extend basic common courtesies such as opening the door for a lady just ahead of you or behind you, or letting a lady in waiting in line (for the bus, train, or elevator) go ahead of you, but limit your courtesies to those in your immediate company or those in your immediate proximity.
Long Island Development Articles
To Be Or Not To Be (A Gentleman At All Times): Striking A Balance You Both Can Live With