Having “The Talk”: Taboo Topics Between Friends And How To Handle Them
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Sex was something most of us giggled about but could hardly wait to try And, probably, if I recall correctly only to wonder what all the hubbub was all about after the first (few times). I guess it was like beer, and acquired taste and like sushi and saki, takes some time to get use to and actually enjoy.
Still, most of us gave a DETAILED account of all our experiences and excursions to our gal pals, almost as if it were some sort of ancestric bonding ritual. And, the more “taboo” the topic, the better the conversation and our gal’s night out.
Well, something happens once you’re in a serious relationship and especially marriage. Your allegiance shifts, or at least it should, and some “off-colour-topic” are better kept to ourselves.
While there’s nothing wrong with a little sex talk just between the girls, you may not want to give your pals a bad impression of your man/mate. And, you certainly don’t want to make him sound too inviting either. And, while in the past, the pass-time was for comparing notes, more mature relationships may warrant shifting focus to simply exchanging some “generic” information that doesn’t compromise your steamy friendships or your hot and steamy relationship.
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Having “The Talk”: Taboo Topics Between Friends And How To Handle Them