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Squeaky Clean: Teaching Toddlers About Hygiene

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By mia bolaris-forget

While some suggest that twos are terrible, your baby entering “toddlerhood” can be a lot of fun. In fact, it’s at this stage that you can connect and bond by interacting and that you can begin teaching your child about rules, live and hygiene. In fact, the latter is imperative at this stage since children and germs tend to go hand in hand.

1. Before and After: Children should be taught to not only wash their hands after using the bathroom, but also beforehand, so that their privates don’t come in contact with germs. Hands should also be washed before and after each time they eat whether it’s a meal, snack, or treat.

2. Scrub thoroughly:
Children have little or no real concept of real time. And, that makes them seem a little impatient. Make sure they clean up properly by teaching them to recite the alphabet song each time they wash up or wash their hands. This helps ensure they give themselves plenty of cleanup time.

3. Make hygiene fun Choose a fragrance or fun soap dispenser to make clean-up more fun.

4. Make sure wiping isn’t a wipeout. While your potty-training him or her add in the concept of wiping and showing your child how to do it, rather than just doing it for him or her. You can always clean your child up afterward. Also, remember to teach girls to wipe from front to help prevent fecal matter and germs from infecting their vagina or bladder

5. Wet wipes: Bowel movements at this age and stage can be messy. So, in addition to wiping consider using disposable wipes for additional cleanup and protection.

6. Learn to poo-poo, poop: Children need to be encouraged to “go potty”, so making bowel movements something unpleasant and disgusting can be discouraging, leading them to avoid “going” or causing problems going to the bathroom even later on in life. Instead explain that pooping is a normal and necessary part of life, but that it contains germs and its important to wipe thoroughly, flush, and wash our hands as soon as we’re done (using the bathroom in general).

7. Body Basics: Teach youngsters all the correct terminology for their privates and let them know that they should inform you if they have any irritation or pain. Teaching kids correct, anatomical names for their body parts will also make it easier to explain why washing each is important.

8. Hairy Situations: While kids may love to splash around in the tub, many are not too keen or getting their hair washes, especially since the shampoo frequently burns their eyes. Opt for a no-tear shampoo and makes your youngster has some sort of toy to distract him or her while your washing his/her hair.

9. Tidy Tresses: Kids’ hair knots fairly easily, so make sure to give it a good brushing or combing first thing in the morning. Remember a good detangling shampoo and/or conditioner can help make combing easier and, more gentle. Also, invest in a nylon brush that’s best for your toddler’s still fine maine.

10. Guard against pests: Help ward off lice by teaching kids about not sharing coats, has, hoodies, combs, scarves, etc.

Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles > Squeaky Clean: Teaching Toddlers About Hygiene

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