Two Cents Worth: Teaching You Child The Value Of Money
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While there’s no doubt that today’s young ladies are more financially “secure”, “self-sufficient”, and savvy, they are still lack basic saving and money management skills.
According to recent polls, four out five youth are self-proclaimed “financial experts”, yet the majority fails exams focused on basic and financial and economic literacy.
Education officials say that’s because monetary expertise for teens revolves around financial expenditures, and that they genuinely have little actual concept of the true cost of things. Besides accompanying your teen on her/his shopping sprees and monitoring their spending habits, experts suggest teaching your children the VALUE of money. They say getting an early start is essential and recommend implementing teaching techniques that will teach them more about money, including: earning it, saving it, paying bills and managing credit.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Two Cents Worth: Teaching You Child The Value Of Money