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Turn Around Time: Techniques For Helping Turn Around A Breech Baby

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By Mia Bolaris-Forget

Breach Birth according to Wikipedia is: A breech birth (also known as breech presentation) refers to the position of the baby in the uterus such that it will be delivered buttocks first as opposed to the normal head first position. And, this is often associated with some risks for both mother and child., which is why many professionals recommend making an attempt to turn the baby around.

Here are a few ways to help make the turn around

· Take a deep breath: Experts suggest sitting with your eyes closed and taking a breather, literally, practicing relaxation techniques that may encourage the baby to try to turn around on his or her own.

· Take the plunge: Take a few laps in the pool say experts. Not only is this good exercise, but it also helps keep your hips and pelvis loose and the gravity-free zone may help the baby turn.

· Breech tilt: Experts suggest leaning a flat surface on your bed, couch etc and laying on it with your feet elevated and your head toward the floor, with some pillows under your pelvis for about 15 minutes several times each day.

· Practice the pelvic tilt: Pretty much the same concept as above, only “mom” is lying on the floor. Experts suggest putting some ice or bags of frozen veggies on your belly (creating an aversion for your baby) and propping some pillows under your pelvis keeping it tilted in the air.

· Go around in circles: Consider a circular massage while you are in one of the above-mentioned tilt positions. Experts suggest gently applying some lotion and massaging your belly in a circular motion with both hands.

· Bright ideas: Take a flashlight and beginning at the top of your belly, run the light from your tummy to your pelvis. Some experts suggest that the unborn child will follow the light and turn with it. And, they recommend doing this while in one of the tilt positions.

· Stay “in-tune” Experts recommend taking headphones and placing them near your pelvis, some suggesting that the baby, upon hearing the music will be inclined to turn toward it. They recommend classical music for best results.

· Climb the walls: Similar to the tilts, this “exercise” suggests that you lay on your back, with pelvis propped up, and walk your feet up the wall.

· Scentsational ideas: Some suggest flower essences for a host of pregnancy issues including turning a breach baby around. For this they recommend Bougainvilla Essence and following the instructions on the bottle.

· Puslstilla: This is a homeopathic approach often taken to help turn baby around. Experts suggest implementing this method as soon as you find out your baby is breech but caution against using past four weeks from your due date. They also suggest asking your midwife or doula for assistance with this method.

· Make adjustments: Consider a chiropractor asking him or her to perform what is known as a Webster’s Breech Technique. Just make sure your practitioner is qualified and experienced in this area before allowing him or her to work on you. Also, regular chiropractic care will help keep your pelvis open giving the baby more room to move and turn.

· Find your pressure points: Some suggest an acupressure technique know as moxibustion that is uses with heat on a pressure point on your toe. Just remember, that, again, the accupressurist MUST be skilled and qualified especially since placement of the heat is crucial to the technique’s success.

Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles > Turn Around Time: Techniques For Helping Turn Around A Breech Baby

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