“Phasing” Out Friends: The Battle Of The Sexes Begins
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 By mia bolaris-forget
Anything boys can do…girls can do better. This “innocent” taunt (if there is such a thing), is the first sign of kids noticing the opposite sex and beginning the age-old “battle” between the two. In fact kids go through various stages and phases when it comes to the opposite sex. Initially kids don’t pay much attention to whom they play with and embrace everyone as a friend. But, as they “mature”, they tend to form “rigid” ideas about others (perhaps based on family or societal standards and what they see and hear)….and that translates into specific notions about boys and girls and what each is about and should do. And, its by this process that they start to make sense of their gender and gender roles…and for some that may mean redefining who their friends are and who they want to be friends with. Be aware of this shift and explain to your child that its perfectly okay to feel this way…but it’s also okay to have friends of the opposite sex. And, if your child is the one who is being left out of the loop, remember to explain that this in only a phase…and that it’s most likely temporary.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
“Phasing” Out Friends: The Battle Of The Sexes Begins