Penny For Your Thoughts: The Day Care Dos and Don’ts
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 By mia bolaris-forget
At some point every “new” parent must make a decision about sending their little one off to day care…even if its only for a few hours a day. But, before sending your baby to be “babysat”, its important to know some secrets about what goes on or at least what their thinking behind the scenes.
· Make sure you are prepared to ensure your child “plays by the rules”. Obviously every parent will have his or her own rules that should be followed, especially when it comes to your child’s dietary needs…but, keep in mind that when it comes to nap time, dress code, etc. make sure you little one doesn’t always try to bend the rules or stand out. Day Care providers really appreciate if parents prepare their children to be team players and to follow instructions and the rules.
· Make sure that for the most part your are “on time”. Day care providers may not mind waiting for a few extra minutes, but they “do” mind waiting more than that, especially if it happens frequently. Remember, while these professionals have a heart for kids, including yours, looking after them (all day long) is still a job, and they look forward to going home too.
· Child care providers would like you to know that while the day may have “just begun” for you when you pick up your little one, it’s the “end” of a long day for him or her. Instead of making plans for what you are going to do next, make yourself available for a few minutes of undivided attention to your little one. Remember, a few hours seems like MUCH more to them and they’ve missed you….let your child know you’ve missed him or her too.
· Don’t loiter or linger on “school” grounds. Instead help your child on with his or her coat, if its not already on, greet him or her properly (preferably with a kiss) and discuss matters in the car.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Penny For Your Thoughts: The Day Care Dos and Don’ts